With the construction of higher structures in lightning prone areas, there has been a significant progress in the quest to improve the protection of these structures against lightning.
A lightning protection system protects a structure from a direct lightning strike.
To do this, an air terminal (or system of air terminals) is placed in the most probable position to capture the direct strike, based on the structure’s architectural design and roof equipment. The rest of the system is designed to safely convey that electrical energy from the lightning strike to ground as efficiently and safely as possible
These are:
Down conductors- They provide the most direct path possible to move the electrical energy towards the ground.
Grounding system – it provides a path for the current to dissipate into the ground and out of harm’s way.
Bonding – this is meant to reduce the possibility of voltage differences that are a safety risk.
Lightning Eliminators highly recommends Surge protection device as additional mandatory equipment to ensure complete protection from direct and indirect lightning.
A Surge protection device is designed to protect electrical systems and equipment from surge and transient events by limiting transient voltages and diverting surge currents.
Did you know there is an alternative way to protect your facility from lightning?
Lightning protection systems have come a long way since their initial invention in 1752. Thanks to new technological advances, modern building structures and evolving standards, today’s lightning protection systems effectively guard our structures from hazardous or deadly lightning strikes.
Lightning Protection for the digital age includes our patented product Dissipation Array System that works on the principles of Charge Transfer Technology. See Video (https://youtu.be/Jl0BdC6FFJs)
An unprecedented field study of the DAS sheds powerful insights on its efficiency level. DAS is an advanced lightning protection system that is specially designed to prevent lightning strikes within a given protected zone.
LEC provides a suite of lightning protection products with options to protect your facility from lightning strikes and damage. Lightning protection systems help to control the passage of lightning and discharge it to minimize risk, injury, and fire or equipment downtime.
Contact Lightning Eliminators to know more.