Grounding and bonding are an integral part of any modern lightning protection system design. This is because lightning currents inherently want to ground. A lightning strike, which is intercepted by an air terminal, must have its current transferred to the earth safely and seamlessly.
Thus proper grounding proves to be an important issue when designing and installing lightning protection systems. The goal of any grounding system is to provide a low-impedance path for fault and lightning-induced currents to enter the earth, ensuring maximum safety from electrical system faults.
Lightning rod protection not only helps protect buildings and equipment from damage caused by unintentional fault currents or lightning surges, but more importantly, it also protects people and ensures their safety.
While selecting the perfect lightning rod for protection, consider the relationship between expected service life and cost in order to receive the best value from your ground rod.
LEC offers the best range of long-lasting and cost-effective products available.
Our ChemRod will sustain extreme conditions which will significantly increase its serviceable life and maintain the integrity of the entire electrode as opposed to conventional lightning rods. To enhance the soil conductivity in areas where soil resistivity is high, LEC’s GAF (Grounding Augmentation Fill) is a superior product. Once in its set form, maintains constant resistance for the life of the ground system. It performs in all soil conditions even during dry spells and does not dissolve, shrink, decompose or leach out with time.
Additionally as they require less real estate and fewer electrodes to meet specified resistance the overall cost of getting lightning rod protection is reduced.
Besides this LEC also offers other products such as:
Smart Ground Testing Service – designed to provide an advanced ground audit system that produces highly accurate results, even on energized systems.
LECWELD – It’s an easy and efficient field welding system, requiring no outside power source or equipment for lightning safety installations.
Lightning Eliminators provides all services to the highest standards, even in the most challenging ground conditions. Our team has a wealth of knowledge and experience to provide superior lightning rod protection for our clients.