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Lightning Surge Protection Devices – Protecting Equipment That Protects Us

Updated: Mar 5, 2022

Medical centers are under intense pressure to deliver higher standards of care to more people at a lower cost than ever before – and this requires a safe, absolutely reliable and efficient supply of electric power.

From heart rate monitors to medication pumps, from video surveillance to access control systems; should these stop functioning, the result could be catastrophic or even fatal. For this reason, it’s essential in healthcare facilities to protect these systems from damaging power spikes and surges. Downtime is simply not an option.

Surge Protection Devices protect machinery from external occurrences such as lightning strike that cause over-voltage transients. These are installed in power transmission and distribution systems.

They protect against the loss of productivity and save money by eliminating the need to replace equipment damaged by excess voltage. Lightning surge protection devices not only prevent harm to the device itself, but they also protect against catastrophic loss of data stored on hospital backups and sensitive medical imaging equipment.

We manufacture comprehensive product and service solutions to meet the healthcare industry’s challenges.

- We maximize the reliability and efficiency of your system

- We install surge protection devices to raise the level of safety; protecting your assets from explosive energy

- We are your reliable partner with the depth of expertise, resources, and commitment to support yours through the entire lifecycle of our system.

The Healthcare sector is one of the largest power consumers on the grid, with the most to lose in the event of a transient or complete blackout. Protecting electrical systems within these facilities is paramount to ensure equipment operation and longevity.

Given the multiple sources of power surges and uneven power flow in the electric distribution system, installing lightning surge protection devices from Lightning Eliminators makes the most sense, especially since the investment required is relatively modest.

Lightning Eliminators & Consultant Inc. continues till today as an innovative leader in the manufacturing, design, and engineering of SPDs. With our unique technology, we ensure reliable and continued protection during sustained and abnormal over-voltage events. Supporting all major areas of a hospital, including clinical labs, diagnostics, data centers, and mobile medical equipment; we provide a holistic approach to your facility.

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