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We Are Your Best Source For Fuel Tank Lightning Protection –Find Out Why?

Lightning Eliminators provides the best fuel tank lightning protection solutions, and here's why. In the oil and gas industry, floating roof tanks (FRTs) are essential for processing crude oil. However, lightning strikes can cause fires in these tanks, significantly threatening crude oil production. This can result in severe consequences for the tank farm, endangers nearby facility assets, pollutes the environment, and causes incalculable economic damage.

To prevent such disasters, it's crucial to ensure proper fuel tank lightning protection. The best approach is to partner with a company with extensive knowledge and expertise in lightning protection for fuel storage tanks. Our company, LEC, specializes in customized lightning protection for industrial properties and is uniquely focused on fuel tank lightning protection.

You can take several measures to protect your tanks from lightning events. First, ensure your tank is appropriately grounded, which helps dissipate the electrical charge from a strike and reduce the risk of damage. It's also critical to ensure that all metal bodies are adequately bonded to avoid differences in voltage potential, leading to arching and side flashes.

Second, it's imperative to establish a direct, verifiable electrical connection between the floating roof and the tank shell. To meet the bypass conductor requirements, tank owners can choose between a traditional fixed-length conductor or an innovative retractable conductor wound on a spring-tensioned reel.

When the tank is most at risk in high-roof conditions, traditional fixed-length cables may coil and randomly bunch up on the tank roof, leading to accidental sparking. In contrast, retractable bypass conductors are always as short as possible and offer less impedance when the FRT roof is high. Our award-winning Retractable Grounding Assembly (RGA) reduces the risk of lightning damage and fire by creating a low-impedance bond between the roof and shell. The design of the RGA 750 is cost-effective, easy to install, and virtually maintenance-free.

Retractable Grounding Assembly (RGA750) Generation 2

Our state-of-the-art products and reliable installation processes ensure you can have peace of mind knowing your property is protected. Trust us to be your go-to source for all of your fuel tank lightning protection needs.

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