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We Are Your Reliable Lightning Protection System And Solution Partner

A lightning strike is a massive electric spark that’s either traveling between the clouds or from a cloud down to earth. Since it’s an uncontrollable natural phenomenon, scientists can only give a best estimate that lightning is anywhere from 30 to 50 million volts.

With that kind of voltage – regardless of where it really falls within that range – protection from lightning is a no brainer. To put things in perspective, in commercial high voltage applications, you may see voltages greater than 100 kV (kilovolts). Still, nowhere near a million volts. That’s a wild amount.

Fortunately, protection against lightning is possible through lightning protection systems.

Traditional LPS

Intercepting the discharge | Safely conducting the lightning currents while minimizing the effects | Dissipating the currents into the earth.

A strike termination device (or lightning rod), which is the first point of contact with lightning will deflect the lightning stroke into the protective system itself, where it is routed to the ground, away from the building and its components – eliminating the potential for damage.

Technologically advanced LPS

Given the random and destructive nature of lightning strikes, how can businesses protect their personnel, facilities, equipment, and processes – including those of a sensitive electronic nature such as data centers and control systems? The answer lies not in channelling lightning, but in preventing the charge from accumulating in the first place.

One technology, the Dissipation Array System (DAS); a type of lightning protection systems has proven to be the preventative solution for lightning protection.

The Protective effect of the Dissipation Array System is intended to ensure that the electric field of a thunderstorm and the field of the downward lightning leader would not contribute to the development of processes that lead to a lightning strike into the protected area.

This lightning protection system serves to isolate the area of protection from a lightning strike and provides complete protection with the reliability of 99%.

A direct lightning strike can be a tremendous loss, costing millions of dollars. Fortunately, there are ways to help safeguard your property, personnel and yourself from lightning damage.

Lightning Eliminators & Consultants Inc., are your lightning protection systems and solution partner. If you are concerned about lightning striking your high-value or critical assets, then you’re in the right place.

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