If you want a lightning rod protection system installed on your building, it’s best to hire a company to do this for you. This ensures the job will be done properly and securely.
The lightning rod protection installation should be done by an industry professional who willing to explain what they’re doing.
The company should have years of experience installing this type of system and should be able to recommend the right lightning prevention system for your needs.
The more experience the company has, the better off you’ll be. However, it’s important that you start looking now, because the longer you wait, the more time there is for lightning to strike.
Remember that even if it strikes nearby, you can still suffer the after-effects.
As one of the best lightning rod protection companies in the industry, Lightning Eliminators and Consultant Inc., provides lightning protection systems, grounding systems, and surge protection systems for commercial and industrial structures internationally.
Our success is centered on identifying our client’s problems, objectives and developing a comprehensive solution. One that is well balanced with performance and competitive pricing.
Our team of engineering and design veterans are available to solve your most challenging lightning and earthing related problems.
We offer these tailored services internationally and specific to your national or international technical standards.
What’s our approach to lightning rod protection?
Identify current risk from local and regional lightning activity as it relates to your facility.
Develop a comprehensive assessment of the current condition of existing system.
Create a total solution design that achieves the desired results to protect critical facilities and assets.
Provide a safe working environment to prevent human injuries, reduce the risk of downtime, lost revenue, and productivity.
Create an on-going, annual inspection program that protects our client’s investment.
With our expertise, quality service, adequate stocking and short decision-making process, we are well placed to cater to your needs on Lightning protection system requirements.
Contact our LEC experts today to begin the process of developing a solution for your Lightning rod protection requirements.